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As a mobile detailing company it is important to have some k
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Registrato: 27/07/19 02:52
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MessaggioInviato: 08 Ott 2019 09:07:28    Oggetto:  As a mobile detailing company it is important to have some k
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As a mobile detailing company it is important to have some key corporate accounts where you can show up weekly and wash and detail cars for executives. One promotion you can do to help secure such accounts is to join in with the United Way in their promotion. The United Way depends on employees of large companies to donate 1% or 1.5% of their income through payroll withholding.

Many employees obviously might be reluctant to do this. So along with representatives from the United Way
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, you take your mobile washing rigs to the corporations and let the company managers wash the cars of the employees that agree to withhold money from their paychecks so as to make a contribution to the United Way. The employees get a real kick out of watching their bosses slave away washing their cars. And they will be doing it using your rigs. Therefore you get the Public Relations plug. Any employee agreeing to the deduction gets their car washed by their boss.

Since they are using your equipment you can be sure to block off the storm drains to prevent pollution and this gives another public relations plug to the event as completely EPA compliant. This works well and a great synergy takes over. We also recommend to have the United Way representative call all the newspapers. The employees, managers and executives love it. It's also great P.R. for you. Who knows maybe your auto detailing company will be on the front page of your newspaper the next day. That is what usually happens to us.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;
Q: I would like to start my own eBay business
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, but I really don't want to invest in a ton of inventory until I can get a better handle on what might or might not sell. I read another column about dropshipping, but I'm still a little fuzzy on how the whole process works. Do you think using dropshipping is a good way to start an eBay business and if so, how do I get started? -- Candace M.

A: Dropshipping is a topic that I first addressed in my column way back in April
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, 2003, which is decades ago in Internet years. But with the continuing growth of eBay and it's positioning of itself as a viable way for anyone looking to launch an ebusiness, the topic of dropshipping is now hotter than ever. It is also now more misunderstood than ever.

Dropshipping has been around since Sears first started selling goods from its mail order catalogs over a hundred years ago. However
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, the idea of dropshipping still confuses many people who don't understand exactly how the process works.

By definition, dropshipping is a method of selling and distributing goods wherein the distributor or supplier of the product (the dropshipper) ships the product directly to the end user (your customer) on the retailer's behalf (that's you).

The process of dropshipping involves three parties who take a product from manufacturing to market. They are a manufacturer, a distributor
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, and a reseller.

Let's use a blue widget as a sample product to demonstrate the process: Blue Widget Manufacturing (manufacturer): This is the company that manufactures blue widgets. Blue Widget Manufacturing does not sell directly to the public or supply the retailers who ultimately sell the blue widgets to the end user. They prefer to use distributors to handle the task of taking their blue widgets to market. Blue Widgets sells blue widgets by the truckload to distributors who pay $5 per blue widget.

A1 Distributing (distributordropshipper): A1 Distributing is the company that purchases blue widgets in bulk from the manufacturer and supplies them to resellers at a cost of $7 each. The distributor does not ship blue widgets to the reseller, but ships orders directly to the reseller's customers as the widgets are sold.

Big Bob's eBay Widget Store: Big Bob sells blue widgets to the public from his eBay store. Bob orders the blue widgets from A1 Distributing as he sells them (usually one at a time) and has A1 ship the blue widget directly to his customer. Bob sells blue widgets to the public for $10 each, which means that for every blue widget sold he nets $3.

How The Process of Dropshipping Works

Here are the seven steps involved in starting a dropship ebusiness:

STEP 1: Choose A Product To Sell

The very first step in any sales process is deciding what product to sell. There are many factors that should be considered before deciding on a product to sell
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, but for now let's say that you decide to sell CD players on eBay.

STEP 2: Locate A Supplier Who Will Dropship For You

Using a research tool like Google, Thomas Register, or an industry-specific resource like The Ultimate eBay Dropship Power Pak
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, you search for and find a company who will dropship CD players for you. The company offers you a 35% mark up over cost, which means that they will supply the CD players to you for $100 each and you should be able to retail them for $135. You make sure that the dropshipper has a good stock of CD players on hand so you don't end up selling a product that must be back-ordered.

STEP 3: Set Up An Account With The Dropshipper

You contact the company that can supply the CD players and set up a reseller account with them. This can often be done online or by phone, but some companies will require that you complete and return a reseller application to open an account. Some companies may also require a tax ID and business license.

STEP 4: Advertise The Product For Sale On eBay

Now that you have your supplier lined up and know that the product is in stock
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, it's time to make a sale. You advertise the product using an eBay auction. Since you know what you must pay the dropshipper for the product, you know what the minimum amount you will take for the product. In this case you start your auction at $100 since that is your cost. If you are confident that you can get more th.
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MessaggioInviato: 08 Ott 2019 09:07:28    Oggetto: Adv

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